• Upgrading Your Masonry Fireplace with an Insert

    If you love the idea of snuggling up around your fireplace this winter but dread the process of obtaining firewood and building a fire from scratch, you may want to talk to your heating company about the benefits of fireplace inserts . Along with installing a new heat pump or boiler in your household, your furnace technician can also provide you with quality fireplace inserts near Seattle. When you take the time to install a new fireplace insert before the start of the winter season, you can stay warm and toasty on the coldest days. Here is a look at the benefits of upgrading your masonry fireplace with an insert.

    Cut Back on Heating Expenses Masonry Fireplace Installation in Seattle, WA

    When you choose to upgrade your masonry fireplace with an insert, you may find that you are able to cut back on your overall heating expenses for your home. By heating your living spaces with a fireplace insert, you can cut back on your heating bills by 10 percent or more during the coldest months of the year.

    Create a Cozy Atmosphere

    Nothing beats the feeling of gathering around the fireplace on a cold winter’s day. However, conventional masonry fireplaces can require significant amounts of upkeep and cleaning. With a fireplace insert, you will be able to create a cozy atmosphere in your home without the hassles that are associated with conventional fireplaces. A fireplace insert will allow you to create a mood boosting fire with a simple push of a button or flip of a switch.

    Improve Fireplace Safety

    Another terrific advantage of a fireplace insert is that this type of unit is an incredibly safe choice for your household. When you convert your conventional masonry fireplace to an insert, you can rest assured that your home is protected from the dangers of a fire. Since fireplace inserts are completely contained under glass, they do not pose the same safety hazards as traditional fireplaces. If you are dreaming of a new fireplace insert for your home, be sure to get in touch with your HVAC professionals.

  • When to Replace Your HVAC System?

    Your home’s HVAC near Seattle plays a significant role in keeping your family comfortable while indoors. If you’re wondering if you should replace your current system, then there are a few warning signs to keep in mind: hvac - system

    It’s getting old.

    On average, heating and air conditioning units are designed to last about 10 to 15 years. As your HVAC system nears the end of its lifespan, it may have decreased efficiency and require more frequent repairs. If your system has reached the 10-year mark, then it may be time to pay more attention to its function to determine if it’s running as well as it once did.

    It doesn’t work efficiently.

    Have you noticed an increase in your monthly utility bills? If so, then your HVAC system could be at fault. Sometimes, maintenance and repair are all that’s needed to get a unit working well again but, in other cases, replacement is the better option. Also, if your boiler, furnace, or air conditioner are running for longer periods than they once did, then this can be a sign that it is time to consider replacement. When your HVAC system is running for long periods, this means that it is not cooling or warming your home as quickly as it once did. In turn, the longer that it runs, the more energy it requires, which can result in higher energy bills. If you’re ready to enjoy an HVAC system that runs efficiently, then think about replacing your old one.

    It doesn’t keep you comfortable.

    As HVAC systems begin to fail, they usually struggle to keep the entire home at the right temperature and humidity level. A few signs that could mean that you might benefit from a new HVAC unit include increased or decreased humidity levels, odors or noises while the system runs, and uneven cooling or heating throughout your home. Also, if the unit runs continuously and still fails to reach the set temperature, or if you frequently adjust the thermostat to try to feel more comfortable, then it may be time for a new HVAC system.

  • Signs a Heat Pump Is Right for Your Home

    When you start thinking about heating and cooling appliances for your home, make sure you don’t overlook the benefits that a heat pump near Seattle can offer. Keep in mind, however, that not every home is a suitable candidate for a heat pump. If yours qualifies, this option can help you save energy and money as well as handle both heating and cooling. Keep reading to learn about a few signs that a heat pump is right for your home. Heat pump unit installed in a garden setting in Seattle, WA

    You live in the right environment.

    The purpose of a heat pump is to transfer heat from one location to another; however, you will need a source of heat in order to move it elsewhere. Although this type of heating and cooling unit does rely on electricity to some extent, it primarily uses the surrounding environment. If you have extensive heating or cooling needs that the outdoor environment cannot help satisfy, you might want to choose another system. If your needs are on the moderate side and you live in the right area, however, a heat pump can be a great way to save energy.

    You want to save energy.

    Most heating and cooling appliances will generate heat or cool generated air. For this reason, HVAC appliances often account for a substantial amount of the energy that your household consumes. Heat pumps are unlike these alternatives because they only do a very small amount of heating; the rest of the process involves moving the air around instead. This can cut your energy bills down by a wide margin, which allows you to use your funds for other pressing purposes. A heat pump is also an environmentally-friendly choice in this way, making it great for those who are trying to go green.

    You’re looking for versatile equipment.

    If you are looking for a piece of equipment that can heat and cool your home rather than one or the other, a heat pump may be right for you. You can use this appliance all year long to efficiently and effectively keep your indoor air at a comfortable temperature for your family.

  • Highlighting the Advantages of Heat Pumps

    Are you considering installing a heat pump near Seattle ? A heat pump can help keep your home at a comfortable temperature all year round by warming your house in the winter and cooling it in the summer. Plus, heat pumps require less energy than other types of heating and cooling systems, meaning a heat pump can help you cut down on your energy expenses.

    Heat pumps work through the use of a compressor to move heat from one area to another. In the winter, a heat pump takes heat from the outside air and pumps it into your home. In the summer, it acts as an air conditioning system by reversing this cycle.

    In addition to their versatility, heat pumps have numerous other advantages. First of all, they are easier to maintain and have a longer lifespan than conventional heating and cooling systems. In addition, they transfer heat rather than generate it, reducing your energy consumption and thus your carbon footprint. Finally, heat pumps also act as dehumidifiers, making your home more comfortable in the summer without increasing your electricity bills.

    Diagram explaining the working principles of a heat pump system